Our fruit varieties
Very well adapted in all production areas.
Amazing organoleptic qualities.
Highly productive variety, with sizable fruits.
Breeder : Zaiger Genetics
License manager : International Plant Selection
Port : semi erect
Vigour : strong
Areas of development : South
Flowering time : early
Maturity : +5j Honey Blaze (cov)
Size : 2A/A
Organoleptic qualities : sweet
Organoleptic qualities : excellent, sweet
Shape : circular, regular, with a little dip at the top
Brix : 12
Fruit skin colour : attractive shiny dark red. The fruit skin is moderatly thick with very rare punctuations at the stem end.
Medium sized core, semi clingstone.
Yield potential : 35T/Ha.
Be careful not to prune too closed to the tree maturity to avoid sun damage.